
2019-09-22    FW.5VV.CN范文网
题目:定义Fibonacci数列如下:        /  0                      n=0
f(n)=      1                      n=1
        \  f(n-1)+f(n-2)          n=2
// Calculate the nth item of Fibonacci Series recursively
long long Fibonacci_Solution1(unsigned int n)
      int result[2] = {0, 1};
      if(n < 2)
            return result[n];

      return Fibonacci_Solution1(n - 1) + Fibonacci_Solution1(n - 2);
               /        \
            f(9)         f(8)
          /     \       /    \
       f(8)     f(7)  f(7)   f(6)
      /   \     /   \ 
   f(7)  f(6)  f(6) f(5)
// Calculate the nth item of Fibonacci Series iteratively
long long Fibonacci_Solution2(unsigned n)
      int result[2] = {0, 1};
      if(n < 2)
            return result[n];

      long long  fibNMinusOne = 1;
      long long  fibNMinusTwo = 0;
      long long  fibN = 0;
      for(unsigned int i = 2; i <= n; ++ i)
            fibN = fibNMinusOne + fibNMinusTwo;

            fibNMinusTwo = fibNMinusOne;
            fibNMinusOne = fibN;

       return fibN;
{f(n), f(n-1), f(n-1), f(n-2)} ={1, 1, 1,0}n-1
(注:{f(n+1), f(n), f(n), f(n-1)}表示一个矩阵。在矩阵中第一行第一列是f(n+1),第一行第二列是f(n),第二行第一列是f(n),第二行第二列是f(n-1)。)
有了这个公式,要求得f(n),我们只需要求得矩阵{1, 1, 1,0}的n-1次方,因为矩阵{1, 1, 1,0}的n-1次方的结果的第一行第一列就是f(n)。这个数学公式用数学归纳法不难证明。感兴趣的朋友不妨自己证明一下。
现在的问题转换为求矩阵{1, 1, 1, 0}的乘方。如果简单第从0开始循环,n次方将需要n次运算,并不比前面的方法要快。但我们可以考虑乘方的如下性质:
        /  an/2*an/2                      n为偶数时
        \  a(n-1)/2*a(n-1)/2            n为奇数时
#include <cassert>

// A 2 by 2 matrix
struct Matrix2By2
            long long m00 = 0, 
            long long m01 = 0, 
            long long m10 = 0, 
            long long m11 = 0
      :m_00(m00), m_01(m01), m_10(m10), m_11(m11) 

      long long m_00;
      long long m_01;
      long long m_10;
      long long m_11;

// Multiply two matrices
// Input: matrix1 - the first matrix
//        matrix2 - the second matrix
//Output: the production of two matrices
Matrix2By2 MatrixMultiply
      const Matrix2By2& matrix1, 
      const Matrix2By2& matrix2
      return Matrix2By2(
            matrix1.m_00 * matrix2.m_00 + matrix1.m_01 * matrix2.m_10,
            matrix1.m_00 * matrix2.m_01 + matrix1.m_01 * matrix2.m_11,
            matrix1.m_10 * matrix2.m_00 + matrix1.m_11 * matrix2.m_10,
            matrix1.m_10 * matrix2.m_01 + matrix1.m_11 * matrix2.m_11);

// The nth power of matrix
// 1  1
// 1  0
Matrix2By2 MatrixPower(unsigned int n)
      assert(n > 0);

      Matrix2By2 matrix;
      if(n == 1)
            matrix = Matrix2By2(1, 1, 1, 0);
      else if(n % 2 == 0)
            matrix = MatrixPower(n / 2);
            matrix = MatrixMultiply(matrix, matrix);
      else if(n % 2 == 1)
            matrix = MatrixPower((n - 1) / 2);
            matrix = MatrixMultiply(matrix, matrix);
            matrix = MatrixMultiply(matrix, Matrix2By2(1, 1, 1, 0));

      return matrix;

// Calculate the nth item of Fibonacci Series using devide and conquer
long long Fibonacci_Solution3(unsigned int n)
      int result[2] = {0, 1};
      if(n < 2)
            return result[n];

      Matrix2By2 PowerNMinus2 = MatrixPower(n - 1);
      return PowerNMinus2.m_00;